Peter's Portfolio

ELOGY Project: Fully Customize ERP/ECP System – ePanel (Web/Mobile)​

ELOGY’s ePanel is a comprehensive SaaS ECP solution offering customizable features and automated solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity. I started prototyping this project in early 2016, initially serving as both product owner and full-stack developer, covering virtually all essential tasks. My responsibilities included UI/UX design, product design, technical design, and programming. The UI was prototyped using Adobe Photoshop CS6, and the product was developed on FileMaker 12. Additionally, I hosted this product on an on-premise Windows Server 2012 R2, enabling subscribers to access the service from any device.

Full-stack Project: Intra-firm Social Media Website – Loop Agile Now (LAN)​

Loop Agile Now is an assignment project for the Further Web Programming Course at RMIT University. This application is an intra-firm social media website to enable a community of practice in a company. Additionally, it ensures the professional ramifications, such as ethics and policy issues, while having these discussions on external websites/forums. Throughout the project, I gained proficiency in creating websites using React.js/Express/Ant Design and GraphQL. Meanwhile, we implemented the database on a cloud MYSQL and used Sequelize ORM to interact with our database system. I am in charge of user interface and API design. I used Figma to prototype this application and developed it into a high-usability user interface with the Ant Design Library. Furthermore, I have developed API using Sequelize ORM and Express.js to enable features such as making posts, editing posts, signing in/signup, reacting to posts and following a user in this application. 

Full-stack Project: COVID-19 Mental Wellness Website – LIFE.COM​

This project is an assignment for the Web Programming Course at RMIT University, where I achieved a perfect score of 40 out of 40. The website, developed as part of the course, simulates full-stack project development and focuses on providing mental wellness support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Work-Integrated-Learning: Lex Chatbot For Answering Course-related Queries​

This project aims to create an automatic chatbot prototype that answers student questions using big data and Canvas live API. The system is designed as a microservice that provides flexibility in future maintenance. In 3 months, we successfully built up a prototype in Canvas LMS and fetched live data when students asked questions.

Portfolio: Website Design and Development Service for SMART-ENGLISH

SMART-ENGLISH is an English tutoring institute located in Taipei City, offering after-class tutorial classes, early education in English, and English grammar and literature classes. In 2015, during their inaugural year, they sought to establish a website showcasing their English classes and teaching principles. To fulfil their requirements, we developed a website and press release site using Muse and WordPress. My shareholder provided the design while I handled the development. Per the client’s request, I implemented JotForm and a chat dialogue feature to facilitate direct communication between potential customers and SMART-ENGLISH.

Portfolio: Website Design and Development Service for ELOGY.ORG

ELOGY is a company co-founded by my shareholders and me. Since 2015, I have worked as a freelance full-stack engineer here. Our company specializes in providing digital solutions to businesses across various sectors including commerce, education, retail, and manufacturing. Our services encompass hardware (server/network), software design, UI/UX design, video editing, and marketing.

SHOPMY Side Project: SHOPMY internal employee system build with PHP/JS​

This is the first project I have done in SHOPMY. In 2021, as our business expands, we encounter numerous complex business tasks that require system-based solutions. Hence, I joined the development of the employee system. I use PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to develop an employee system with diverse features supporting business operations. This system has been fully hosted on AWS EC2 with Azure SQL Database and Blob Storage integrated.

SHOPMY Side Project – Help Center by WordPress​​

This project is a knowledge base to answer customers’ questions. We also implemented a chatbot and a “chat with support” feature powered by Freshchat SDK on this site. I am in charge of software development and project management for this product. I collaborated with one of the UI designers in our company and delivered this help centre based on WordPress and the Knowall theme.

SHOPMY Side Project: API and service to support e-commerce application

In addition to the front-end and back-end systems, several additional services developed by our team played a crucial role in our core project. Specifically, I personally designed and built three service programs for SHOPMY. These services includes parcel tracking, image compression, and universal links service to support seamless integration with the SHOPMY app.